Threat Referenced School Shooting – Caused Lockdown

Several Sioux County school districts were placed in a lock down today.  According to authorities, a threat was found written on a bathroom wall in the Sioux Center High School referencing a school shooting and mentioning schools in the Rock Valley and Boyden-Hull school districts.  Authorities ordered Sioux Center schools and schools in the surrounding communities of Hull, Orange City, and Rock Valley to lock down and secure their buildings.  Officials report that there was no active shooter threat, and law enforcement increased their presence at all the affected schools. 

Sioux Center Community School Superintendent Gary McEldowny issued a statement saying, “school safety is priority.”  He says law enforcement was engaged immediately, and a thorough investigation took place.  He says he’s confident the threat has been resolved.  No weapons were found.  McEldowny says law enforcement will be present to provide assurance to students, staff, and families that our schools are safe.

The Sioux Center Police Department continues to investigate the incident.
