An active pattern continues through much of the Heartland, largely centered across the Corn Belt

An active pattern continues through much of the Heartland, largely centered across the Corn Belt

Across the Corn Belt, a line of thunderstorms is marching eastward across the middle and upper Mississippi Valley.  In advance of the storminess, warm, dry weather in the eastern Corn Belt favors planting activities and other fieldwork.  During the week ending May 5, corn planting in Ohio advanced from 6 to 26% complete.  However, due to recent stormy conditions, overall U.S. corn planting—36% complete on May 5—has fallen behind the 5-year average pace of 39%.

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Michigan farmers filling freezers

Young farmers are increasing access to local meat at some Michigan food banks. Sanilac County’s Darcy Lipskey tells Brownfield her local farm