
Listings for Friday, March 7th FOR SALE: Small square bales of oat straw: 470-3749 GIVEAWAY: Indoor Tabby cats: 722-2722 or 605-201-1835


Listings for Thursday, March 13th FOR SALE: 5pc set of floormats for 2020-2025 Ford Explorer: 541-7369 3 Female purebred GREAT PYRENEES puppies: 460-0209


Listings for Wednesday, March 12th GIVEAWAY: Queen size box spring and mattress: 439-2374 2 MINI AUSSIE puppies: 541-4991


Listings for Tuesday, March 4th GIVEAWAY: Indoor Tabby cats: 722-2722 or 605-201-1835 Farm cats: 441-0109


Listings for Monday, March 10th FOR SALE: 110 Charger for 48volt golf cart with a standard battery: 395-0697 Moldboard plow: 230-0060