Siouxland Energy Cooperative of Sioux Center and Continuum Ag of Washington, Iowa, are joining forces to help farmers get potential premiums associated with Carbon Intensity (CI) Certified Grain. Continuum Ag will provide farmers the certification necessary to participate while Siouxland intends to be a buyer for the certified bushels. The goal is to offer premiums for certified grain and capitalize on the pending 45Z Clean Fuel Production Tax Credits, a significant initiative under the Inflation Reduction Act designed to encourage the production of clean transportation fuels, with a focus on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Continuum Ag Founder and CEO Mitchell Hora, says they’re looking forward to working with Siouxland Energy and their farmers to quantify on-farm CI Scores and build potential tax credit markets. Hora says farmers and biofuel manufacturers are each other’s key partner to produce low-carbon fuels and the opportunities that creates.
This exploratory partnership is aimed at encouraging farmers to educate themselves, quantify their baseline CI Scores at TopSoil.Ag, and spread awareness of the potential opportunities ahead.
Siouxland Energy Grain Merchandiser Tom Edwards says Siouxland Energy Cooperative is looking forward to working with Continuum Ag to bring their producers to the table to capitalize on the pending 45Z opportunity. He says this is an incredible opportunity for American biofuels and he believes the collaboration can be instrumental as they work with farmers to help meet our low carbon goals.
Learn more about SEC at or view a short video at
If you are a farmer and you are ready to find out your CI Score, visit the Billion Bushel Challenge to get a code for 95% off the purchase of your CI Score!
Learn more about how you can benefit from the 45Z Tax Credits at