Sioux County Sportsment’s Club Deliver Check to Midwest Honor Flight

Midwest Honor Flight is the recipient of a grant that will fly six veterans on a future flight to see their memorials in Washington DC. The Sioux County Sportsmen’s Club presented the organization with a check of $5,000 Tuesday. This money was raised during their 2023 Annual Banquet during the auction portion of the event. This was the 6th year that the Sioux County Sportsmen’s Club has donated to Midwest Honor Flight – they have raised more than $25,000 over the years.

“We would like to thank everyone that has supported our Veterans through this fundraiser over the years and a special thank you to the board of the Sioux County Sportsmen’s Club for their continued support,” says Midwest Honor Flight CEO Aaron Van Beek. “Their support has flown at least 30 Veterans on flights over the years.”

“It is a special day for these Veterans to take their Honor Flight and the Sioux County Sportsmen’s Club is happy to continue supporting these Veterans flying out to see their memorials in DC,” said Sioux County Sportsmen’s Club Board Member Shorty Sandbutle.
