At the Sioux Center City Council meeting Tuesday afternoon, Mayor Dave Krahling administered the oath of office to three new police officers. With their families present, Ryan Laroco, Steve Topete, and James Van Veldhuizen made their oath to the office of police officer for the city of Sioux Center.

Also at Tuesday’s meeting, Kelly De Haan gave an annual update for Terrace View Event Center. De Haan, who has been managing the event center for four years, reported much growth in hosting events. She says in 2022 there were 150 events, and so far in 2023 there are 173 on the schedule, and 63 of those are weddings or wedding receptions – which is a record. She also reports the annual events that occur there continue to grow, which brings in more people as well. She says Terrace View Event Center has been operating in the black since the end of Covid in 2020.

Several public hearings were held in connection with selling property to Sioux Center Land Development for the development of land north of the Country View North Addition. The 7.36 acres will be developed into 20 new single-family lots. The sale was approved, and the council moved to accept a resolution to rezone that land from agricultural to single family residential. The council then approved a resolution to accept the plat of that land.
In other business, the city of Sioux Center has applied for an Iowa Thriving Community Grant, which if approved by the state, would give the city a “thriving community designation”, which in turn provides benefits for contractors to build housing within Sioux Center.