Sioux Center, Hull, Finally Connected to Lewis & Clark Water

Lewis & Clark water finally started flowing to Sioux Center on April 4 and to Hull on April 5! The communities are the 16th and 17th members to be connected to the tristate system. “This is a huge milestone for both communities to finally be connected. Lewis & Clark’s Articles of Incorporation were signed on January 29, 1990, so Sioux Center waited 12,119 days to get water and one day more for Hull. It took far longer than anyone imagined when the project was started, but it is well worth the wait. The water will ensure continued future growth and expanded economic development opportunities for many decades to come. We far too often take water for granted, but we’re marking this as a monumental day over 33 years in the making,” said Chairman Murray Hulstein of Sioux Center.

Sioux Center has reserved 600,000 gallons per day and Hull has reserved 400,000 gallons per day. Work started last year to expand the System’s capacity from 44 million gallons a day to 60 million gallons. When the expansion is completed, which is anticipated to be in 2030 or 2031, Sioux Center will have access to a total of 949,000 gallons per day and 633,000 gallons per day for Hull.

Three members of Lewis & Clark remain unconnected. The schedules are subject to change, but Sheldon is anticipated to receive water in late 2023/early 2024, Madison in mid-2024 and Sibley in late 2024/early 2025.
