The Sioux Center City Council held a special meeting Tuesday to address public concern regarding an increase in semi-truck traffic on residential streets in Sioux Center because of the highway 75 construction project and closure. A proposed resolution will prohibit commercial truck traffic from using residential streets in the one-square mile bordered by highway 75, 20th St. SE, 13th Ave. SE, and 9th St. SE. During public input at the meeting, one resident voiced safety concerns for children who walk along 1st Avenue to and from school or bus stops. He told the council he witnessed semi-traffic on that road getting as close as 3 feet to children and other pedestrians.
Sioux Center Police Chief Josh Koedam agreed stating safety, particularly for children and pedestrians is one of his highest priorities with this situation. Koedam also stated concerns about semis negotiating tight turns in residential neighborhoods, and that residential roadways are not designed to withstand heavy semi-trucks. He also noted an area along 9th St., by Kinsey Elementary School and Centerpointe Church, is already an area of concern with many children and pedestrians crossing that roadway and urges caution to motorists who use that portion of the roadway.
The resolution was approved on a voice vote, noting that truck route signage with arrows will be erected as early as next week, directing truck traffic along 20th St., 13th AVE., and 9th ST. SE. Additional signage will be erected stating the prohibition of truck traffic in the residential area. Delivery trucks will be allowed on residential streets.
The city council recognizes the congestion at intersections along the detour route, particularly noting the 4-way stop on 9th Street and 13th Avenue by Sioux Center Health. Officials will continue to monitor traffic and address problem areas as they arise as the highway 75 project moves forward. The prohibition of truck traffic in this area will end when traffic is allowed back on highway 75.