Orange City Hospital Contributes to Local Economy

Last year, Orange City Area Health System generated 1,113 jobs that added $109,398,544 to Northwest Iowa’s economy, according to the latest study by the Iowa Hospital Association.

“We understand and embrace our role in the economy of the area,” stated Marty Guthmiller, CEO of Orange City Area Health System. “While people’s personal health and well-being is our primary goal, the economic health of our region is also extremely important.”

The study was compiled from hospital-submitted data to the American Hospital Association’s annual survey of hospitals. The study found that Iowa hospitals employed 145,252 people in 2022. As an income source, hospitals provided over $9.3 billion in wages. Hospital expenses accounted for over $21.5 billion of the state’s gross domestic product.

Orange City Area Health System’s impact on total wages was over $56 million, when factoring in jobs created because of health system presence and direct employment. In addition, the health system contributed over $1.1 million in community benefits, which includes free or reduced services, as well as charity care and bad debt.

“Iowa’s hospitals and health systems implemented the programs and services accounted for in this study in response to their communities’ needs,” IHA President and CEO Chris Mitchell said. “Many of these programs and services wouldn’t exist without hospital support and leadership. These efforts, with IHA’s advocacy, help ensure the financial stability of hospitals, making it possible for them to provide the services and programs most-needed by the people they serve.”
