
Mayor Administers Oath of Office

Sioux Center Mayor Dale Vander Berg administered the oath of office to Lance Hulstein and David Walker, two new police officers hired to serve in the Sioux Center Police Department.  Both will complete their training at the police academy later this year. 

The Sioux Center City Council will start moving forward on a plan initiated in 2021 to install an 8” force main and 10” water main line along 20th Street SE.  The plan had been tabled earlier due to the high cost of the Highway 75 reconstruction project, but growth and deterioration of other infrastructure has forced this to project into priority status.  The estimated projected cost is $1.2 million.

The council continues discussion on the development of standby electrical generation after approving the proposed development of the project several weeks ago.  The discussion centered around the housing of the generators, whether to have individual enclosures, or one single building to house all the generators.  After discussion, the council recommends a single building to house the generators.

The council adopted a resolution to amend the Multi-Residential Urban Revitalization Plan that changes the current 5-year tax abatement incentive for development to a 10-year tax abatement.

The next Sioux Center City Council Meeting is scheduled for August 5.
