
Lewis & Clark Regional Water System Awards Iowa Contracts, Recognizes Board Member

Lewis & Clark Regional Water System recently awarded a $2,291,000 contract to West Branch Construction of Boyden, for the Sibley meter building. This meter building is part of the “base system” and federal funding will be used. Also awarded was a $5,082,700 contract to Rice Lake Construction of Deerwood, MN for the Larchwood pump station. This pump station is part of expanding the system from 44.19 million gallons a day (MGD) to 60 MGD. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding from the State of Iowa will be used for this project.

Lewis & Clark Regional Water System Executive Director Troy Larson says they can definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel. He says All 20 members are expected to be connected by the summer of 2025. Construction started last year on the expansion to 60 MGD, which is estimated to be completed in 2030 or 2031.

Two main projects are left to award in order to complete construction of the base system – the Sibley service line and Phase 3 of the water treatment plant. Larson anticipates awarding the service line contract by this fall and Phase 3 of the treatment plant in early 2024.

In addition to contract awards, Jim Hoye, General Manager of Rock Rapids Municipal Utilities and a member of Lewis & Clark’s Board of Directors, was presented with the prestigious “Lewis & Clark Trailblazer Award” at the organization’s annual membership meeting in Tea on June 22. This is Lewis & Clark’s highest recognition.

Jim joined the Board of Directors in June 2002 and has served on the Executive Committee since 2017. In 2018 Lewis & Clark dedicated a pump station near Rock Rapids in his honor.

In making the presentation, Chairman Murray Hulstein said “Jim is never afraid to share his thoughts and ideas at meetings, but does so with great respect, professionalism, thoughtfulness and usually a good dose of humor. He has made many significant contributions through the last 21 years to help get the project to where it is today. His commitment and dedication are second to none. For generations to come the citizens of Rock Rapids and the surrounding region will enjoy an improved quality of life and expanded economic development opportunities because of water from Lewis & Clark. Jim can take great pride in the important role he played in helping to make that happen. Our heartfelt congratulations to Jim on this well-deserved honor!”
