Contractors Give Highway 75 Construction Update

Contractors held the first of what will be many meetings to give updates on the progress of the Highway 75 reconstruction project in Sioux Center. Contractors gave an update on work done so far, and talked about re-routing wide-load traffic. Vehicles wider than 10 ½ feet, such as some farm vehicles and other wide-load vehicles, should not drive through the Phase 1 construction area. They should take 20th Street North (380th Street) to 13th Avenue East (Harrison Ave.), to 20th Street South. (410th Street) to avoid the construction area. Also, utility work continues with construction of the storm sewer system and continued pavement removal on the west side of the highway.

While driving in the construction zone when an emergency vehicle is behind them with or without lights/siren activated, motorists should continue driving forward in their travel lane. There is not enough room to pull over and make way for emergency vehicles, so the best practice is to continue moving forward to get the emergency vehicles through the construction zone.

Temporary traffic signals have been erected at the 20th Street South intersection in the construction zone. According to DOT rules, any new traffic signals erected may not be turned on until signage has been in place for six days informing motorists of the new signal. Although the signals are up, the signs have not yet arrived for placement.

The emergency resurfacing work on the northern sections of Highway 75, beyond the Phase 1 reconstruction, was discussed with contractors saying work will begin Monday, April 17. The resurfacing will be done in patches from 9th Street South to 15th Street North. As always, motorists are urged to use caution and be patient while driving in the construction zones.

Construction coordination meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of each month in the Sioux Center Public Library meeting room. The meetings start at 10:30am, and are open to the public.
