
Community Names New Pond

With the help of the community, Sioux Center’s new pond has a name: Bridgeview Pond.

More than 175 name submissions were given for the 4-acre detention pond in southeastern Sioux Center. Bridgeview Pond was the top finalist, a name reflecting the nearby wooden covered pedestrian bridge on the recreation trail and highlighting the natural beauty and calming character of the area.

The selected pond name was submitted by two separate Sioux Center residents: Brittany Van Aartsen and Koleby Van Beek. More than 540 people voted to help choose the name.

Bridgeview Pond is designed to detain rainwater and improve Sioux Center’s environmental impact, and it will also serve as an outdoor recreation area for walking, biking, and catch-and-release fishing.

Assistant Utilities Manager Adam Fedders says the pond was created through a partnership between the city, the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Iowa Water Quality Initiative, and Iowa DNR.  Fedders says they’re looking at using the pond as an example to other communities of how to improve water quality while also improving quality of life.

The public can access Bridgeview Pond by a new sidewalk from 11th Street SE or the recreation trail near Woodbridge. The pond is surrounded by a paved trail for maintenance and pedestrians and bikes. Bridgeview Pond is designed to have water in it year-round, with stop logs that can adjust the level of the water. Located southwest of Sioux Center Health and northwest of the Woodbridge development, Bridgeview Pond is being paid for with $1 million from the State Revolving Fund, $100,000 in Water Quality Initiative funds, and local stormwater utility funds.
