
City Council Recieves Siouxnami & Recreation Report

The Sioux Center City Council received a report from Dave Egdorf, Director of the All-Seasons Center and Recreation Department at a regular meeting Monday.  Egdorf reports attendance numbers at the All-Season’s Center were slightly down compared to last year.  There were 36,440 admissions in 2023, down from 37,502 in 2022. He cites fewer hot weekends during the summer months as one possible reason.  Concessions were down slightly as well, but new items were very popular with increased sales for those specific items doubling over last year.  A total of 33 programs were sponsored by the Sioux Center Rec Department with more than 2,900 participants.  Egdorf noted a slight decrease in the overall number of participants in rec programs, but certain programs garnered large increases over last year.  The youth soccer program continues to grow, increasing 10%, adult soccer and pickleball are also growing.  Blastball, a new program that introduces four and five-year-olds to baseball and softball started this year with 75 participants. 

The city council passed a resolution vacating an easement in the Highway Commercial Park addition for a business planning to build.  The council also passed a resolution disposing of and exchanging city property allowing for increased parking at the Ridge Golf Course.

Earlier this year, Sioux Center Municipal Utilities partnered with Missouri River Energy Services to offer customers a survey on the city’s electric services and how the city can better serve them.  Several key results came out of the survey:  the city needs to strengthen its relationship with customers under the age of 35; customers are interested in time-of-use electric rates; a need to increase Bright Energy Solutions rebate marketing; a need to market the email newsletter and add utility emergency text alerts; a need to equip customers for making decisions on solar and other renewable energy generation.  92 individuals participated in the survey.

The next meeting of the Sioux Center City Council is scheduled for October 23 at 4pm.
