The Sioux Center city council met at noon Monday to award bids for the West Branch RNG project. The project was bid in two packages; the first consists of installing nearly 10 miles of 6” pipe and four miles of 3” pipe, and was awarded ECI Contracting from West Concord, MN with the low bid of $1,993,550 – about $1.37 million below the engineer’s estimate. The second package consists of an interconnect station at Hoogland Dairy in Maurice with a distribution regulator station on 420th St., and a meter set installation at Maassen Dairy. The package 2 bid was awarded to USDI out of Missouri with a low bid of $248,917 – $186,000 below the engineer’s estimate. Work will start as soon as possible this spring.

In preparation for the construction of the Meadowbrook retention pond near Sioux Center Health and the Woodbridge area, council authorized a signature on a Performance Agreement with the DNR which ensures the DNR that the city will construct and maintain the water detention pond according the plans and specification submitted to the DNR. Council then authorized the execution of an engagement letter with Ahlers and Cooney Law Firm of Des Moines who will act as Bond Counsel representing the city in the changes of Notes to pay for the pond through the State Revolving Fund Program. The public hearing is set for the next city council meeting on March 13.
In other business, the council was informed of upcoming construction projects which include the Bleeker addition construction, the Bio-Tech park construction, and sidewalk work north of Sioux Center Christian School on the east side of 2nd Ave. SE.