Seasonal warmth for most; scattered showers dot the Heartland, centered on the Plains

Seasonal warmth for most; scattered showers dot the Heartland, centered on the Plains

Across the Corn Belt, breezy, mostly dry weather prevails, following an extended period of unsettled weather.  As Midwestern fields begin to dry, producers should soon be able to plant any remaining corn and soybean acreage.  Drier weather should also favor Midwestern winter wheat maturation, with harvest just getting underway (5% complete on June 2 in Missouri).

On the Plains, warm, weather is promoting a rapid pace of fieldwork and crop development.  By June 2, the winter wheat harvest was well underway on the southern Plains, led by Texas (33% complete, ahead of the 5-year average of 27%) and Oklahoma (22% complete, versus the average of 6%). 

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