Improving the Reputation of Illinois Corn!

Illinois corn farmers are taking the message of corn to lawmakers in Washington, D.C.

In this Managing for Profit, Lindsay Mitchell-Croke, director of communications and marketing at the Illinois Corn Marketing Board, discusses the impact of the Corn Reputation Campaign.

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{{unknown}} The post appeared first on Brownfield Ag News. View Full Story

{{unknown}} The post appeared first on Brownfield Ag News. View Full Story

{{unknown}} The post appeared first on Brownfield Ag News. View Full Story

{{unknown}} The post appeared first on Brownfield Ag News. View Full Story

{{unknown}} The post appeared first on Brownfield Ag News. View Full Story

{{unknown}} The post appeared first on Brownfield Ag News. View Full Story

{{unknown}} The post appeared first on Brownfield Ag News. View Full Story

Adverse conditions for weed control

Wet and windy weather has made herbicide applications difficult for farmers like Nathan Collins in southwest Minnesota. “There’s challenges with that