IL planting enters home stretch

IL planting enters home stretch

Illinois farmers took advantage of 4.2 days of good weather last week to draw closer to the end of planting season.

Wayne County farmer Matt Rush says it’s been a challenge.

“Started off by planting beans and got 85% of our first season beans planted.”  He says, “But then when corn planting started, it just has been a struggle to get corn planted. Few of those acres will go back to beans.”

The USDA’s latest weekly crop progress and condition report shows corn planting is now 89% complete, while soybeans are 81%.  Rush says…

“Of course, they’re saying rain again all week, and so the plan is now to just to switch a few acres to beans.”  He says, “But overall, still optimistic, what corn we got planted looks good, what soybeans we got planted looks good.

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