IL ag groups split on carbon capture bill

IL ag groups split on carbon capture bill

Ag groups are split over a new carbon capture bill passed by the Illinois General Assembly.

Andrew Larson, director of government relations and strategy with the Illinois Soybean Association, says the SAFE Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) Act brings many questions.

“It sets up an unclear system with how landowners are going to be able to address concerns that happen on their property with pipelines, the use of eminent domain overall.”  He says, “There are a lot of things that we believe warranted a lot further discussion before they got passed into state law.”

AUDIO: Andrew Larson – Illinois Soybean Association

The act (Senate Bill 1289) outlines a series of CCS standards for the state, including pore space ownership, monitoring requirements, a two-year moratorium on CO2 pipelines, and more.

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