Broiler numbers down on week, up on year

Broiler numbers declined from last week while remaining ahead of the 2023 pace. The USDA says 241.409 million broiler-type eggs were set into incubators, 563,000 less than the previous week, but still 4% more than a year ago, with the average hatchability at 79.9%. Placements of broiler-type chicks into meat production were reported at 183.934 […]

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Minnesota Farm Bureau Ag Gala

Brownfield’s Mark Dorenkamp emcees the MN Farm Bureau Ag Gala. The post Minnesota Farm Bureau Ag Gala appeared first on Brownfield

Watch for red crown rot in soybeans

A field agronomist in eastern Missouri says farmers should be monitoring soybeans for red crown rot, a new soil-borne fungal disease