Cattle futures drop on direct cash pressure

Chicago Mercantile Exchange live and feeder cattle were sharply lower, pressured by this week’s direct business and some signs the strength in wholesale beef might be waning for now. April […]

The timing of the rain will matter this year

With a La Niña in place, precipitation could be sparse throughout much of the Corn Belt.   CattleFax meteorologist Matt Makens tells Brownfield, “Whether it be early May, mid-May, late […]

Mandatory country of origin labeling reintroduced

Bipartisan legislation has been reintroduced in the U.S. Senate to reinstate country of origin labeling for beef. Majority Leader John Thune of South Dakota, bill co-sponsor, called on Ag Secretary […]

Wheat ends session solidly higher

Soybeans higher on short covering and technical buying. There’s been more rain in dry parts of Argentina, likely stabilizing crop conditions, but some top end yield potential may have already […]