Sioux Center Boys 59, Rock Valley 58

MOC-Floyd Valley Boys 68, Boyden-Hull 56

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Rock Valley Girls 48, Sioux Center 43

MOC-Floyd Valley Girls 65, Boyden-Hull 16

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Van Ginkel All-Pro

Minnesota Viking and Rock Valley High School graduate Andrew Van Ginkel has been named second-team all-pro by the Associated Press. Following five seasons with the Miami Dolphins, the former Boyden-Hull/Rock […]
Jacobsma Named to Athletic Staff

ORANGE CITY, Iowa – Northwestern College has announced the hiring of Dalton Jacobsma as its graduate assistant for athletic performance. “I am ready and excited to bring a championship standard of […]
Long awaited 45Z tax credit guidelines not very helpful
The biofuels industry is disappointed with the long-awaited guidelines for clean fuels tax credits. U.S. Treasury officials released tax guidance for the 45Z credits Friday, saying this provides clarity on […]
Farm bill extension causes conservation program concerns
A South Dakota farmer is concerned conservation programs could be negatively impacted by the lack of a new farm bill. Rodney Koch of Garretson says he’s used the Conservation Stewardship […]
Soybeans, corn see strong finish post USDA numbers
Soybeans were higher on commercial and technical buying, adding to what would have already been a decent gain for the week. The 2024 U.S. production total was up from 2023, […]
Broker expects export demand to drive markets
A commodity broker says he expects export demand to be a major market influencer in the coming months. Mark Talaski with Advanced Trading tells Brownfield tight global corn supplies and […]