Broiler hatchery numbers continue faster pace

The weekly broiler hatchery numbers started 2025 a lot like they ended 2024. The USDA says 248.175 million eggs went into incubation last week, up 716,000 from the previous week […]

December in Wisconsin warm, mostly dry

December was warm and dry for Wisconsin. The USDA says average statewide temperatures were nearly 5 degrees above normal, while precipitation was just under usual levels, with some farmers reporting […]

Widely mixed soil moisture in Tennessee

Late December rain pulled soil moisture levels in Tennessee above a year ago. The USDA says that while the western portions of the state have adequate to surplus sub and […]

South Dakota starts 2025 very dry

Most of South Dakota started the year with low soil moisture levels. The USDA says 79% of the state is short to very short of soil moisture, with conditions across […]

Drought conditions persist in parts of Ohio

Ohio was a little bit warmer and wetter than normal during December. The USDA says the higher average statewide precipitation has replenished soil moisture levels in parts of the state, […]