Soybeans, corn, and wheat all move higher

Soybeans led the way higher on Thursday. Soybean meal moved higher again Thursday, helping support the market.  There is some dryness in the forecast for Argentina over the next couple […]

Milk production reports could offer more

A dairy economist says USDA milk production reports don’t give the full picture of cow productivity. Corey Geiger with CoBank tells Brownfield component levels rather than volumes are driving prices. […]

Obligated IRA funds guaranteed to continue

A USDA Deputy State Director says many Inflation Reduction Act-funded projects will continue under the Trump administration regardless of its policy priorities. Rural Development’s Valarie Handy, based in Michigan, tells […]

Calculating the impacts of soybean cyst nematode

An Ohio State Extension specialist says soybean cyst nematode remains the most economically damaging disease in North America.  Horacio Lopez-Nicora tells Brownfield there is still a lot to learn about […]