Post-election farm labor concerns

An Ohio State University assistant professor says the future is uncertain for the farm labor market in the U.S. Margaret Jodlowski says the number of H-2A workers has steadily increased […]

Animal rights ballot measures fail

Commentary. Activist-driven ballot measures were shot down by voters in Colorado and California on November 5th. In Denver, citizens rejected Ordinance 309 which would have banned processing plants in the […]

Drone cover crop seeding success

Many farmers say they’re finding success utilizing drones to get their fall cover crops seeded. Jeremy Neff, who farms in southern Illinois, says choosing drone seeding for the first time […]

Brownfield Team recognized at NAFB Convention

Brownfield Ag News and Learfield Ag had a successful National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) convention in Kansas City, Missouri November 12-15, 2024. Here are some convention highlights: Leadership: ·      […]