Waterloo, Cedar Rapids, Lee County appeal speed camera shutdown
A spokesman for the Iowa DOT says three local governments have so far filed appeals after being told they had to shut down speed cameras. Cedar Rapids, Waterloo and Lee […]
Dry fall posing challenges for cover crop seeding
An agronomist says the dry fall has made seeding cover crops a challenge. Ryan Gentle, who covers Illinois with Wyffels Hybrids, says some farmers timed it right. “If you’re early […]
Iowans are urged to get new layer of tax security, called an IP PIN
The Internal Revenue Service is encouraging Iowans to take a simple, important step to prepare for the upcoming tax season. IRS spokesman Christopher Miller says people should sign up now […]
More investments being made into rural energy
Rural electric cooperatives are receiving a second round of funding from the USDA to help upgrade rural energy systems. Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack says projects will be funded by the […]
More investsments being made into rural electric cooperatives
Rural electric cooperatives are receiving a second round of funding from the USDA to help upgrade rural energy systems. Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack says projects will be funded by the […]
Export uptick brings hope to grain markets
There’s some hope among farmers the recent uptick in corn and soybean export sales will improve prices. Bryan Biegler farms in southwest Minnesota. “It’s been nice seeing this little bump […]
Syngenta partners with Taranis on AI-driven precision service
Syngenta and Taranis are partnering to help farmers use artificial intelligence to make agronomic decisions. Syngenta digital ag solutions marketing manager Meade McDonald says the collaboration has the potential to […]
Cash dairy market mixed at end of week
Cash dairy prices were mixed Friday on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Dry whey remained unchanged at $0.6025, where it’s been for much of the week. No sales were recorded. Forty-pound […]
Emmet County officials to make changes in proposed wind energy ordinance
The chairman of the Emmet County Board of Supervisors says there will be revisions in a proposed ordinance to restrict where wind turbines may be placed. The board held a […]
Plenty of pumpkins from the nation’s top producer
A University of Illinois Extension educator says it was a good growing season for the nation’s top pumpkin producing state. Nathan Johanning tells Brownfield… “Both types of pumpkins are very […]