Take long view when making 2025 soybean plans

An extension soybean agronomist cautions growers not to allow this season’s challenges to have too much influence on decisions for next year. Seth Naeve with the University of Minnesota says […]

CME cash dairy market mixed Friday

Cash dairy prices were mixed Friday on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange with the exception of block cheese.  Dry whey was up $0.0075 at $0.6025.  Six sales were recorded, ranging from $0.5975 […]

U.S. export sales mostly up on week

The USDA is reporting a generally strong week for U.S. export sales. Several key commodities saw solid improvements during the week ending October 10th, including corn, soybeans, wheat, sorghum, cotton, […]

Highlighting U.S. ag products in Vietnam

U.S. pork producers are highlighting the versatility of U.S. pork to expand global markets. Jackie Ponder, an Indiana pork producer, says U.S. exports of pork face trade barriers. “It’s important to […]

An uptick in operating lines of credit

There’s been an increase in borrowed money and operating lines of credit. In this episode of Managing for Profit, the vice president of oils, grains, and seed analysis at Rabobank […]