Iowa corn harvest catches 5-year average

The corn harvest pace has caught up to the five-year average in Iowa. USDA’s latest weekly crop report says with more than six days suitable for fieldwork, corn harvested for […]

Corn Belt farmers see additional drought expansion

A climatologist says drought conditions continue to expand across the Corn Belt. “In contrast to all that we heard from the Southeast, we’ve gone completely the opposite way,” said Dennis […]

Drought continuing to impact Kansas harvest

Dry conditions continue to impact corn and soybean harvest in Kansas. According to USDA’s weekly crop progress report, 53% of corn is harvested, ahead of the 39% five-year average, with […]

Illinois harvest continues to gain momentum

The USDA says harvest in Illinois continues to gain momentum. McLean County farmer David Mool says he got started late last week. “Soybean yields look to be probably about where […]