Fewer U.S. turkeys in 2024

The U.S. is expected to raise fewer turkeys in 2024 than 2023. The USDA projects a 6% year-to-year decline in the number of turkeys raised to 205 million head, as […]

Farm income up August, input costs lower

U.S. farm income shot higher in August as input costs moved lower. The USDA says the index of prices received by farmers was up 3.8% from July on increases for […]

$58 million available for organic dairies

The USDA has announced $58 million in marketing assistance is available for organic dairy farmers. The funding through the Organic Dairy Marketing Assistance Program provides cost-chare payments on up to […]

Don’t underestimate soybean cyst nematode

An extension crops educator is concerned too many farmers underestimate the threat of soybean cyst nematode. Angie Peltier with the University of Minnesota says SCN is the biggest soybean yield-limiting […]