The health benefits of cranberries

When you think of fall harvest, you probably think of corn, soybeans, and possibly pumpkins. But did you know it’s also the time of year when those delicious holiday cranberries […]

Favorable early harvest weather outlook

Weather conditions look favorable for many farmers over the next two weeks. Dan Collins is a meteorologist with the Climate Prediction Center and says the Midwest should experience warm and […]

Broiler hatchery down on week, up on year

Broiler hatchery numbers continue to trend above year ago levels. The USDA says 244.016 million broiler-type eggs were placed into incubators last week, a drop of 3.452 million on the […]

Upper Midwest cool stretch possible

A climatologist says there’s a chance for a cool down later this month in parts of the Upper Midwest. Eric Hunt with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln says, “This isn’t necessarily […]