More alfalfa in ‘24, but quality lower

A Wisconsin dairy farmer says this year’s increased moisture has been a mixed blessing for his crops.  Jack Herricks from Cashton tells Brownfield there’s already quite a bit of forage […]

County leader praises rural road program

A member of the Wisconsin Counties Association who also serves on his local town board says more towns need to take advantage of the Agricultural Road Improvement Program. Kieth Langenhahn […]

Governor Celebrates With Rock Valley Schools

Governor Kim Reynolds visited Rock Valley today (Thursday) to celebrate with officials there the readiness of the schools after devastating June floods destroyed nearly everything in both the community schools […]

Hog futures higher heading into Friday

At the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, live and feeder cattle were lower, watching direct business unfold.  October live cattle closed $.72 lower at $177.90 and December live cattle clsoed $1.07 lower […]

Good gains for soybeans, corn, wheat

Soybeans were higher on commercial and technical buying. Recent hot, dry weather in some areas has likely had an impact on yield potential. The USDA and a recent major private […]

ShockAvoid helps farmers avert tragedy

A new innovation is aiming to help farmers avert tragedies involving power lines. Mark McLaren, founder of ShockAvoid, says their specialized sensors can be mounted to any piece of equipment. […]