U.S. soy strong on the global stage

A leader with the Iowa Soybean Association says global demand for U.S. soy remains strong. At-Large board member Tim Bardole tells Brownfield farmers need to continue producing high quality soybean […]

CME cash dairy mostly steady Monday

Cash dairy prices were steady to higher Monday on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.  Dry whey was unchanged at $0.55.  No sales were reported.  Forty-pound cheese blocks were unchanged at $2.10.   […]

Weekly export inspections up on year

The USDA says corn and wheat export inspections as of the week ending August 15th are running ahead of the paces needed to meet projections for the current respective marketing […]

Light on Every Acre

The Farm for Soy Innovation is an essential research platform for Missouri soybean farmers. Missouri Soybeans Conservation and Farm Operations Director Clayton Light says each of the 285 acres will […]

3 Vehicle Crash in Construction Zone

Three vehicles were involved in a construction zone accident near Boyden Friday evening.  The Sioux County Sheriff’s Office investigated the accident on Highway 18 east of Boyden shortly after 6:30pm.  […]