Crop conditions vary for NW Wisconsin farmer

A farmer in northwestern Wisconsin is seeing wide variations in his crops, depending on when he was able to plant. Jerry Morfoot raises corn, soybeans, and hay near Cornell, and […]

Kansas crops see little change in conditions

Kansas crop conditions were largely unchanged from week to week. According to USDA’s weekly conditions report, corn is rated 45% good to excellent, down slightly from last week with 100% […]

Harvest approaching for Tennessee crops

Tennessee crops will soon be ready for harvest. USDA says corn condition improved to 51 percent good to excellent with 98 percent of the crop silking, 88 percent in the […]

Crops doing well in Arkansas

It was another mostly-dry week for Arkansas farmers, and crops looking good.  Ninety eight percent of Arkansas corn is in the dough stage, with 91% dented and 76% of the […]

Naig optimistic about Iowa corn crop

Soybean development remains behind normal in Iowa. USDA’s latest weekly crop report says 83 percent of the crop is setting pods, three days behind the five-year average.  Seventy-seven percent is […]

Nebraska crop conditions improving

Corn and soybean conditions improved slightly in Nebraska. According to USDA’s weekly crop report, corn is rated 72% good to excellent in the state, up from 69% a week ago, […]