Expanding biomanufacturing in the U.S.

The head of the Corn Refiners Association says it’s important that Congress includes provisions in the farm bill to expand biomanufacturing in the U.S.  John Bode tells Brownfield biomanufacturing goes […]

Celebrating safer dairy and milk products

The dairy industry is celebrating the 100th anniversary of safer dairy and milk products.  Jessica Kassel with the St. Louis Dairy Council says the Grade “A” Pasteurized Milk Ordinance began […]

Planting remains slow in Kentucky

Last week was cool and wet for most of Kentucky. The USDA says farmers did plant corn, soybeans, and tobacco when they had a break in the rain, but the […]

Arkansas crops, soil moisture in good shape

Ninety-two percent of the soybeans are planted, one percent less than last year, but still 17% ahead of the five-year average.  Eighty-four percent of the soybeans have emerged. Ninety-three percent […]

Rain slows planting in Minnesota

Rain remains an obstacle as Minnesota farmers try to get their 2024 crop planted. USDA’s latest weekly update says there were less than two days suitable for fieldwork last week. […]

It’s time to spray the crops

A farmer in southeast South Dakota says conditions haven’t been too bad for corn and soybeans. Kevin Scott in southeastern South Dakota says growth varies for soybeans and corn. “It’s […]

Don’t give up hope on the crops yet

A sales representative with Beck’s Hybrids says the corn in northeastern Missouri is variable. Clarissa Cauthorn tells Brownfield “we’ve got corn at V4 to V5 stages and some of it’s […]