Cooper says biofuels can help ag navigate a tough farm economy
The president and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association says the ethanol industry can help agriculture navigate a down economy. Geoff
The president and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association says the ethanol industry can help agriculture navigate a down economy. Geoff
2025 U.S. broiler sets and placements remain on track to top 2024. The USDA says 249.285 million broiler-type eggs were set
The president of National Farmers Union (NFU) says he’s seeing several trends as members in each state prioritize policy initiatives. Rob
An ag economist says farmers should monitor grain futures as inflation continues to increase. Consumer prices rose half a percentage point
There’s some optimism a federal solution for year-round E15 will get across the finish line this year. Lance Lillibridge, a past
Members of the United Soybean Board are deciding where 2026 checkoff dollars will be invested. Matt Gast is a North Dakota
The National Pork Board is launching a new domestic marketing campaign this year. Senior vice president of market growth David Newman
Ohio farmers are calling for increased farmland protections. Ohio Farm Bureau president Bill Patterson says farmland is being lost across the
Cash dairy prices were lower except for butter again Wednesday on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Dry whey was down $0.01 at